Roof Inspection Checklist

Roof Inspection Checklist: 7 Things Roofing Contractors Should Never Miss

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. To ensure it continues to provide optimal protection, regular roof inspections are essential. While some homeowners attempt to inspect their roofs themselves, we’d like to emphasize the importance of hiring a licensed roofing contractor for this task. Licensed roofers have the expertise and experience to thoroughly evaluate your roof’s condition and identify potential issues that untrained eyes might miss. In this article, we’ll walk you through a residential roof inspection checklist, highlighting seven critical aspects that contractors shouldn’t overlook. Whether you’re a homeowner or a roofing professional, this checklist will help you understand the intricacies of a comprehensive roof inspection and why it’s vital to entrust this job to licensed experts.


Roofing Materials and Condition

The initial step on our roof inspection checklist focuses on thoroughly assessing the condition of your roofing materials. When you consult with a licensed roofer for your inspection, they bring a wealth of knowledge to bear on your specific roofing system, whether it’s composed of asphalt shingles, metal panels, durable tiles, or a sleek flat roof. Their trained eye is adept at spotting any signs of wear and tear that might have developed over time.

During this evaluation, the roofer will meticulously examine every detail, searching for telltale signs of damage and distress. This includes identifying missing shingles, cracks in tiles, or shingles that have started to curl. They’ll also pay close attention to the condition of the flashing, a crucial component that keeps water at bay, and inspect for any areas where the roofing material may have experienced deterioration. By identifying these issues early in the inspection process, the roofer can recommend necessary repairs or maintenance, potentially saving you from the headaches of water infiltration and more extensive structural damage down the road.


Flashing and Sealants

The assessment of flashing and sealants is another pivotal checkpoint in the roof inspection process. Flashing serves as a protective barrier around roof penetrations like chimneys, vents, and skylights, serving a vital function in shielding your roof from water intrusion. When a licensed roofer conducts your inspection, they embark on a meticulous examination of these essential components.

During this phase, the roofer will focus on the condition of the flashing, verifying that it’s securely affixed and free from any signs of damage, such as cracks or separations. This rigorous inspection is critical because well-maintained flashing is your primary defense against unwanted moisture infiltration. Additionally, they will scrutinize the sealant used around the flashing and seams. Over time, sealants can succumb to the relentless forces of nature, potentially jeopardizing the roof’s watertight integrity. Any detected issues with flashing or sealants should be promptly addressed to preserve the roof’s structural integrity and ensure that it remains fully capable of protecting your property against water-related concerns.


Gutters and Downspouts

An effective drainage system is a fundamental element in preserving the well-being of your roof. When a licensed roofer begins the inspection, they turn their attention to your gutters and downspouts, recognizing their pivotal role in safeguarding your roof’s health. The primary objective here is to ensure that these components remain unobstructed, enabling them to efficiently direct water away from your home’s foundation.


Clogged gutters can quickly escalate into a host of problems, including water overflow that can compromise your roof and siding. They can also be a potential source of foundation issues. The attentive eye of a licensed contractor will be on the lookout for any telltale signs of trouble, such as sagging or damage in the gutter system. These issues, if unaddressed, can impair the system’s functionality, which, in turn, could lead to adverse consequences for your roof’s health. By meticulously inspecting and maintaining your gutters and downspouts, you’re taking a proactive step toward preserving the integrity of your roofing system and ensuring that it continues to serve its protective role effectively.



Ensuring that your attic enjoys proper ventilation is a paramount aspect of your roof’s longevity and your home’s overall comfort. During your roof inspection, licensed professionals dedicate their expertise to evaluating your roof’s ventilation system, which is a critical player in maintaining a healthy and robust roofing structure.

The importance of ventilation lies in its ability to regulate temperature and moisture levels within your attic space. This equilibrium prevents unfavorable scenarios such as mold infestations and the premature aging of your roof. To guarantee that your attic breathes well, the inspectors leave no stone unturned. They meticulously assess the performance of intake and exhaust vents, ensuring that there’s a harmonious and adequate flow of air. By taking this meticulous approach to ventilation inspection, you’re actively contributing to the long-lasting protection of your roof while creating a more comfortable living environment within your home.


Roof Deck and Underlayment

Two of the most critical elements that contribute to your roof’s structural integrity are the roof decking and the underlayment. When conducting a thorough roof inspection, roofing professionals assess the condition of these components, ensuring they provide both the essential support and additional protection against water infiltration.

First on the checklist is the roof deck, a fundamental structural component. The inspector meticulously scrutinizes it for any telltale signs of trouble, such as rot, sagging, or other structural concerns that could undermine your roof’s stability. Complementing this examination is a careful assessment of the underlayment’s condition. This crucial layer serves as a secondary barrier, and inspectors keep a vigilant eye out for any tears or damage that might compromise its effectiveness in protecting your roof. Keep in mind that maintaining a healthy roof deck and underlayment is pivotal, as they lay the foundation for your roof’s stability and longevity. By entrusting licensed roofers with this critical evaluation, you’re taking proactive measures to safeguard your home’s structural integrity and the long-term well-being of your roof.


Chimneys and Skylights

Two distinctive roof features that deserve a keen eye during a roof inspection are chimneys and skylights. These roof penetrations require special scrutiny to guarantee their functionality and to prevent potential water intrusion into your living spaces. 

During the inspection, professional roofers will meticulously examine the flashing and sealant encasing these areas. The focus here is to ensure that both the flashing and sealant are securely in place and devoid of any damage or deterioration. Any signs of compromised flashing or sealant around chimneys and skylights should be taken as serious as a heart attack, since they can quickly become sources of water leaks and interior damage. 


In Conclusion

To safeguard the structural integrity of your roof and the long-term protection of your property, entrust the task of roof inspections to licensed roofers. Their specialized knowledge and skills empower them to conduct thorough assessments that can identify and address potential problems in their infancy. By scheduling routine inspections, ideally on an annual basis or following severe weather events, you can take a proactive stance in preserving your roofing investment.

Remember, the services of a licensed roofer are your first line of defense against unexpected and costly roofing issues. They are equipped to ensure the continued security and watertightness of your home. When it comes to the overall well-being of your home, never settle for anything less than the expertise and professionalism of a licensed roofing contractor. Your peace of mind and property protection are worth every effort!