Shingle Aging

Understanding the Aging Process of Your Asphalt Shingle Roof

Your asphalt shingle roof, like any other, embarks on its aging journey from the moment those shingles are exposed to the elements. Living in the Sunshine State comes with its perks, but it also means your roof has to withstand some intense conditions. With temperatures on your rooftop soaring up to 70 degrees above ambient levels, it’s no wonder our roofs age faster here. The UV index, humidity, hail, tree limbs, and even the occasional footstep all play a part in accelerating your roof’s aging process. When you add tropical storms and hurricanes to the mix, it becomes clear that shingle aging is not just a possibility but an inevitability, especially on the Gulf Coast. In this article, we’ll walk you through the various types of wear and tear your shingles will experience over the course of your roof’s life.


Shingle curling might seem like a cause for concern, but it’s crucial to grasp that it’s an entirely natural part of your asphalt shingle roof’s aging journey. As the layers of asphalt within the shingles undergo gradual contraction over time, the result is the curling of their edges. This occurrence, while visually noticeable, should not trigger alarm bells. It’s not a sign of damage or defects; instead, it’s your roof’s way of gracefully aging.

In essence, shingle curling is akin to the greying of hair or the fine lines that appear with time; it’s a visual reminder of your roof’s maturity. So, when you spot these gentle curls along your shingles, know that your roof is merely embracing the years it has faithfully shielded your home from the elements.

Surface Cracking

As your asphalt shingle roof ages, you may encounter a phenomenon known as surface cracking. These subtle cracks often go unnoticed from the ground, but they are a common occurrence as asphalt shingles weather over time, particularly in the scorching Florida climate. The relentless heat in the Sunshine State accelerates the depletion of protective asphalt oils within the shingles, contributing to the development of these surface cracks.

It’s essential to understand that minor surface cracking is a typical part of your roof’s aging process. So, if you happen to spot these faint cracks while you’re up on the roof, perhaps hanging festive holiday lights, there’s no need to become overly concerned. They are, in many ways, like the fine lines that mark the passage of time on one’s face—they signify the natural progression of your roof’s life. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between these surface cracks and more concerning issues. If you come across cracks that delve deeper, penetrating the fiberglass material of the shingle, it’s advisable to delve further into the matter.


During your roof’s lifetime, you might encounter clusters of small, circular blister-like pockets adorning its surface. These blisters can vary in size and appearance, with some appearing as if they’ve burst open, revealing the asphalt beneath. The formation of these blisters can often be attributed to factors such as inadequately ventilated attics or the excessive use of plastic cement during the installation process.

Now, here’s the crucial distinction to keep in mind: closed blisters that do not hinder the shedding of water typically do not raise significant concerns. They are akin to surface imperfections that your roof may acquire as it matures gracefully. However, when you stumble upon open blisters that expose the underlying asphalt, it’s time to pay closer attention and take action. These open blisters represent a potential vulnerability in your roof’s armor. Addressing them promptly is essential to prevent more extensive issues from surfacing in the future, ensuring the continued protection and longevity of your roofing system.

Algae Stains

In the Gulf Coast’s humid climate, it’s not uncommon to spot those unsightly dark brown or black streaks that mar the appearance of asphalt shingle roofs. These discolored streaks are often mistaken for a sign of severe damage, but they’re more likely the result of algae growth. While these stains can be quite unattractive, it’s essential to know that, initially, they don’t pose an immediate threat to your roof’s ability to repel water.

However, the situation can take a turn for the worse if left unattended. Over time, as algae continues to proliferate, it can cause the shingles to lose their reflective properties, affecting their overall performance. This can ultimately lead to a shortened lifespan for your roof and potentially more extensive problems down the road. If you’re keen to learn more about the effects of algae growth on your roof and discover effective strategies to address this issue, we invite you to delve deeper into our comprehensive article dedicated to this topic.

Granule Loss

During manufacturing, shingle brands typically apply excess granules to the surface. Therefore, it’s entirely normal to experience minor granule loss, especially in the first few years of your roof’s life. Factors like foot traffic on the roof, strong winds, hail, and the brushing of tree limbs can contribute to additional granule loss. Premium shingle brands, such as Atlas, are designed to withstand even the harshest conditions. So, granule loss should only be a concern when the underlying asphalt is exposed.


Shingle buckling refers to the slight distortion of a shingle, often noticeable a few months after installation. This isn’t a direct sign of aging but rather an indicator of a potential problem down the road. Buckling is often linked to inadequate attic ventilation, causing moisture buildup in the roof decking. This moisture can lead to swelling and visibly buckled shingles. Furthermore, moisture can create the ideal conditions for algae colonization, as discussed earlier. If not addressed, this can lead to more significant issues.

In Conclusion

In the Sunshine State, where our homes face relentless heat, humidity, and occasional tropical storms, understanding your roof’s aging process is crucial. Many of these signs may initially appear alarming, but they’re often natural occurrences as your asphalt shingle roof matures. By distinguishing between typical aging and potential problems, you can take proactive steps to ensure your roof remains resilient. Regular inspections, prompt issue resolution, and investing in high-quality roofing materials can all contribute to extending your roof’s lifespan. Thank you for taking the time to learn about common roofing issues in Florida. We hope this knowledge helps you rest a little easier, knowing that some of the things you see on your roof are part of its natural aging process, while also enabling you to identify potential causes for concern. We appreciate your readership!