Signs of Wind Damage

Signs Your Roof Has Suffered Wind Damage

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements, including wind and storms. While roofs are designed to withstand various weather conditions, they can still sustain damage from strong winds. This is especially true during severe weather events like hurricanes or thunderstorms. Identifying wind damage early is crucial to prevent further deterioration and costly repairs. In this article, we’ll explore the common signs that indicate your roof may have suffered wind damage and what steps you should take to address these issues promptly.


Missing or Loose Shingles

Among the most evident indicators of wind damage to your roof are missing or loosely positioned shingles. Powerful winds have the ability to lift shingles, causing their adhesive seals to break or even tearing them off the roof entirely. This exposes the vulnerable structure beneath to potential water infiltration, which can trigger more significant issues like interior leaks and structural damage. If you happen to spot shingles scattered on the ground or detect uneven patches on your roof where shingles are absent, these are unmistakable signs of damage inflicted by strong winds. Addressing this issue promptly is essential to safeguard your roof’s integrity and prevent further complications.


Lifted or Curled Shingle Edges

Even if shingles aren’t completely dislodged, wind can still lift and curl their edges. While this may not be immediately evident from the ground, it’s still a significant red flag. When shingle edges become elevated, they form entry points for water and debris into your roofing system. Over time, this can result in water damage and the gradual deterioration of the shingles themselves. When conducting a roof inspection, it’s crucial to scrutinize any shingles that exhibit signs of being lifted or curled, as addressing this issue promptly can prevent more extensive damage down the line.


Cracked or Split Shingles

Powerful winds can also result in cracked or split shingles. The force of wind-driven debris or the sheer impact of strong gusts can cause shingles to develop fractures or splits on their surface. These compromised shingles undermine the overall strength of your roof and create openings for water infiltration, which can result in leaks and additional structural complications. If you identify any shingles displaying visible cracks or splits during a roof inspection, it’s imperative to take swift action to rectify the issue and avoid more extensive damage to your roof and home.


Granule Loss

Granule loss from your shingles is another prevalent indicator of wind damage. Roof shingles are layered with protective granules that shield them from the harmful effects of UV rays and bolster their resilience. Strong winds can dislodge these granules, leaving your shingles exposed to the elements. You may discover granules accumulating in your gutters or downspouts, or you could identify bald patches on your shingles. Granule loss not only shortens the shingles’ longevity but also hampers the overall effectiveness of your roof in safeguarding your home. Check out this article to learn more about granule loss. 


Damaged Flashing and Sealant

Wind doesn’t only affect your shingles; it can also wreak havoc on the flashing and sealant surrounding roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights. When these components loosen, crack, or detach due to strong winds, they can form entry points for water. The integrity of your roof relies on well-maintained flashing and sealant to create a watertight seal. When assessing potential wind damage, be sure to examine these elements to confirm they’re secure and in optimal condition.


Water Leaks or Interior Damage

In certain cases, the effects of wind damage might not manifest as visible exterior roof damage. Instead, you could encounter water stains on your home’s ceilings or walls, serving as telltale signs of water infiltration. If you find yourself facing unexpected leaks or interior damage after a severe windstorm, it’s crucial to take swift action and have your roof inspected without delay. These interior leaks can often be traced back to wind damage that has compromised your roofing system, demanding immediate attention to prevent further structural issues and water-related damage within your home. Therefore, it’s wise not to overlook any such warning signs and prioritize a professional assessment to identify and rectify any wind-induced problems before they escalate into more significant concerns.


Dented or Damaged Roof Vents

In the face of severe weather conditions, such as high winds or storms, roof vents and turbines often find themselves in the line of fire for potential wind damage. These essential components of your roofing system can become particularly vulnerable to the sheer force of strong gusts. This often results in dented, dislodged, or outright damaged roof vents. Beyond their structural integrity, damaged roof vents can wreak havoc on your roof’s overall ventilation system.

When these components fail to function optimally, moisture buildup becomes a real concern. This moisture can accumulate in your attic space, potentially leading to a host of issues, the most troublesome of which is the growth of mold. So, during your diligent roof inspection, be sure to cast a watchful eye on your vents and turbines for any signs of damage or displacement. Addressing such concerns promptly can go a long way in preserving your roof’s structural integrity and protecting your home from moisture-related woes down the road.


Sagging Roof

While it’s less common, in cases of extreme wind damage, your roof may exhibit more severe symptoms, such as sagging or signs of structural stress. This is a grave concern that warrants immediate attention, as it not only threatens the integrity of your roof but also poses a substantial safety risk to the occupants of your home. When a roof sags, it’s indicative of severe structural damage that can compromise the entire roofing system. The added weight of water buildup due to leaks can exacerbate the sagging, making it a dangerous situation. If you happen to notice any sagging in your roof, it’s imperative to take immediate action. 

Begin by evacuating the area beneath the compromised section to ensure the safety of your family and belongings. Following this, don’t delay; contact a professional roofing contractor without hesitation. They possess the expertise and experience necessary to assess the extent of the damage, make the required repairs, and restore your roof’s structural stability, safeguarding your home from further harm and ensuring the safety of your loved ones.


What to Do If You Suspect Wind Damage

If you suspect that your roof has suffered wind damage, it’s crucial not to ignore the issue. Prompt action can prevent further deterioration and costly repairs down the road. Here’s what you should do:

Schedule a Professional Inspection 

If you’ve observed any of these signs of wind damage on your roof or suspect that your home may have been affected by strong winds or storms, it’s crucial to take the next step and schedule a professional inspection. While you may have a keen eye for spotting visible issues, roofing professionals are equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to perform a comprehensive evaluation of your roof’s condition.

By scheduling an inspection promptly, you can address wind damage in a timely manner, preventing minor issues from becoming major, costly problems down the road. Plus, having a professional assessment in hand can be invaluable when dealing with insurance claims. It provides documented evidence of the damage and the recommended repairs or replacements. So, don’t hesitate; reach out to a trusted roofing contractor to schedule your inspection and ensure the long-term health and performance of your roof.


Document the Damage 

In the aftermath of a severe weather event, it’s crucial to document any visible damage to your roof. This simple step can play a significant role in the insurance claims process and provide essential documentation for future reference. 

Start by taking clear photos of the affected areas of your roof. Capture close-up shots of any missing or damaged shingles, curled edges, cracks, or any other issues that are visible to the eye. Photograph the condition of your roof from various angles and distances to provide a complete overview of the damage. If there are any fallen debris or objects on your roof, document those as well.


Take Photographs

Images of your roof serve as tangible evidence of the damage incurred during the windstorm. They can be instrumental when filing an insurance claim, as they provide visual proof of the extent of the damage. Insurance adjusters often rely on these images to assess the scope of repairs or replacements needed. Keeping a record of the damage can be beneficial for your own records and future reference. It provides a visual timeline of the roof’s condition, which can be valuable for monitoring changes or identifying recurring issues.

Plus, it ensures that you have documentation to refer to if you ever decide to sell your home. This demonstrates that you’ve taken proactive steps to address any damage. Before you begin any work on your roof, grab your phone and document the damage thoroughly. These photos can be an essential asset in the process of getting your roof back in shape and securing the necessary support from your insurance provider.


Contact Your Insurance Company

When you’re dealing with roof damage, it’s crucial to get in touch with your homeowner’s insurance company promptly. This step is pivotal in ensuring that you receive the necessary support to address the damage and get your roof back in top shape.

Reach out to your insurance company’s claims department. When you make the call, be prepared to provide detailed information about the damage. This is where the documentation and inspection report come into play. Giving your insurance company this crucial information will help expedite the claims process & make sure they understand the extent of the damage. They’ll guide you through the steps, which typically include completing a claims form and potentially scheduling a visit from an insurance adjuster to assess the damage in person.

Get Repairs/Replacements Done Promptly

Now it’s time to move swiftly and get those essential repairs underway. Swift action is key when it comes to wind damage, as it can help prevent further complications and safeguard the integrity of your home. Collaborate closely with a legit roofer such as MHBRC to address your issues. Given our expertise, we’ll be able to prioritize repairs based on the severity of the damage. Whether it’s replacing missing shingles, fixing cracked ones, or repairing damaged flashing, your roofing contractor will know how to restore your roof to its pre-damage condition.

By quickly resolving the wind-related issues, you can avoid water infiltration, which can lead to more extensive and costly repairs down the line. Plus, you’ll be able to maintain the functionality of your roofing system so it can protect your home from the elements.


In conclusion

Being vigilant and proactive in identifying wind damage to your roof is essential for maintaining the integrity of your home. Regular inspections and swift action in the event of damage can help you avoid costly repairs and ensure that your roof continues to protect your home for years to come. If you suspect wind damage or need assistance with roof inspections and repairs, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted roofing professional. Your roof’s longevity and your home’s well-being depend on it.