What to Expect

During Your Roofing Job

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to invest in a new roof for your home. As you’re taking steps to finalize the process, it’s important to understand what to expect during the roofing project. A well-executed roof replacement or repair will help ensure the protection, longevity, and comfort of your home. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key steps and considerations to ensure that you and your contractor are on the same page.

Initial Consultation

The roofing process typically begins with an initial consultation with your chosen roofing contractor. During this meeting, the contractor will assess the condition of your roof and determine whether your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. The roofer should then provide you with a detailed estimate including job scope and any other additional notes, along with their company documentation.  

Material Selection

Once you’ve agreed on the scope of work, it’s time to select the roofing materials. Your contractor will help you choose the right roofing material, style, and color that align with your budget, aesthetic preferences, and functional requirements. The materials you choose for your new roof is one of the most decisions in the whole process, next to deciding which contractor you hire. If you need help weighing your options when it comes to roofing material selection, we’ve got you covered in this article. It’s important to note that most companies will ask for a deposit during this stage for material acquisition. Although it’s normal to pay 30-50% up front, you should NEVER under any circumstances pay in full for any project up front.  

Permitting and Documentation

Like many states, roof replacements in Florida require permits and documentation to ensure compliance with building codes and safety regulations. To perform roofing work in Florida, you must obtain a permit from your local building departing or permitting office. It’s the contractor’s responsibility to obtain the necessary permits.  Next, the roofer must provide a contract that outlines the scope of work, materials to be used, costs, timelines and warranties.  Make sure you have a signed contract with your roofing company before work begins! It’s also critical to verify that your roofing contractor has valid liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.  Request this documentation as proof of insurance to protect yourself from liability in case of accidents or property damage.  

Tear-off and Inspection

The roofing crew will begin by removing the old roofing material and underlayment and inspecting the existing roof decking. Any rotten or damaged roof decking and structural lumber must be removed and replaced.  It’s important to note that a roofer can only see (and feel) the surface of your roof during the initial inspection, so occasionally more woodworking is required to ensure the structural integrity of your roof.  Although this may result in a minor change-order, it is sometimes necessary to repair unforeseen damage in order to comply with Florida’s stringent roofing and building codes. 

Roof Installation

After the decking is completely stripped of old materials (including nails!), then it’s time to replace old roof decking.  Florida roofing code requires every sheet of existing decking to be re-nailed before covering it with underlayment. After they install the underlayment by hand with cap nails, they install ice and water shield to the valley’s and drip edge to the perimeter of the roof, covering any seams or other vulnerabilities with tar.  Next, the roofers will install your roof’s shingles with precision and speed, replacing plumbing boots and ventilation components as they go, also covering seams with tar. Finally your roof’s ridge vent and cap shingles will be installed. 

Clean-Up, Inspection and Final Walkthrough

After the installation is complete, the crew will perform a thorough clean-up. They will walk around your whole property picking up old shingles, underlayment and whatever else didn’t make it into the dump trailer.  Once all the major debris has been removed from your yard, the roofing crew will use magnets to pick up any loose nails and other smaller metal debris, ensuring there are no sharp objects in your lawn or driveway. A final inspection and walkthrough will be conducted to ensure the quality and integrity of the new roof. Any remaining details or touch-ups will be addressed at this stage. Your roofing contractor will provide you with documentation, including warranties for both materials and workmanship. It’s essential to keep these records for future reference.

Payment and Completion

After work is completed and you’re satisfied with the roofing job, it’s time to make the final payment to the contractor. After final payment is made, there should be no reason for any follow up with the contractor afterwards, unless of course you encounter a leak or some other issue. At this point, the project is complete, and you can now fully enjoy the benefits of your new roof. If you had a pleasant experience, consider leaving them a positive review on Google and social media!


In Conclusion

Knowing what to expect during a roofing job can help you approach the project with confidence and peace of mind. With the right roofing contractor, clear communication, and attention to detail, your roofing project will result in a secure, long-lasting roof that enhances the value and comfort of your home. If you’re in the decision stage of your roofing project and looking for a trusted roofing partner, consider Moore Homebuilding and Roofing Company in Pensacola, Florida. In our upcoming articles, we’ll continue to provide insights and guidance to assist you throughout your roofing journey.